
Showing posts from December, 2023

What Books to Start With When Beginning NT Studies

It can be quite overwhelming for new students of Biblical studies to get their feet on the ground once they enter the foray of this intense discipline. Centuries of research condensed in millions of pages of scholarship. It's all a bit much. Even I, as a seasoned student of the discipline, am routinely discovering new journals that have apparently been around for decades. How can a modern student absorb so much information?  For the benefit of fresh students looking to start their journey and get a solid grounding in what the academic literature says about the New Testament, I have provided an overview of my bare-bones essential readings from my personal library. These are the books that will give those who are just now venturing into this world an anchor to hold onto regarding the purpose, trends, and future of New Testament studies. Though by no means an exhaustive list, it's a start. Start with... the Bible! The first item on the above list might come as a shocker, but is on